How long does it take for a taxi from Heathrow Airport (LHR) to Camberley?

Camberley is a popular city in Southern England. It is about 20 to 22 miles away from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) depending on which terminal you are going. Taxis from Camberley to Heathrow Airport (LHR) is the preferred way to travel between the two locations as they are the fastest means. Heathrow Airport (LHR) can be reached via A30 or M3 in less than an hour.

Am I allowed to travel from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to Camberley from Jan 4 2021?

There are currently traveling restrictions within the United Kingdom. Please check the current government guidelines set today Jan. 3, 2021.

What is the cheapest way to go to Camberley from Heathrow Terminal 5?

The cheapest way to get from Heathrow T5 to Camberley Station without a car is to take a Rail Air coach from the terminal, about 1 hour 46 mins and costs £11.80 (anytime day single ticket). Coach to Feltham is one hour.  Feltham to Ascot is 26 minutes, Ascot to Camberley about 12 minutes. Last service is 2111 hours (Mon-Fri)

How far is McDonald Frimley Hall Hotel, Camberley from the train station?

McDonald Frimley Hall Hotel, Camberley distance from Camberley Train Station is about 1.8 miles, 5 minutes drive.

What is the current COVID-19 tier Camberley, Surrey is?

Camberley, Surrey will be on a lockdown at 0001 hours of January 4, 2021 , please check the latest government guidelines.